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20 Awesome Board Games For The Modern Day Geek

It really pains me to see that adults not only "play" less and less — play is just as important as work if you’re looking for a balanced life — but that their idea of board games stop at Monopoly and Risk. True, you can play video games, mobile games, crosswords, etc, but me, I prefer board games because it gets me away from a screen.
Plus, it makes for a social situation. If you play with friends there is no such thing as a bad game. The worst case scenario is you laugh at how bad the game is.
In this post, I will share just 20 of my favorite board games, what’s inside and why I enjoy playing it. From simple card games like "Set" to strategy board games like "Galaxy Trucker" there’s bound to be at least one from this list which will make you look at board games differently.

7 Wonders

If I had to take everything into consideration, 7 Wonders is the best game I own. It is a deep strategy game but is simple to play and a round doesn’t take more than 30 minutes. Gameplay is extremely simple, but the rules of building can be a bit confusing. However, as soon as you play it, the rules are clear after 10 minutes. It’s just one of those games.
(Image source Amazon)
In 7 Wonders, each game consists of 3 "ages". In each age, each player gets 7 cards. Players take turns picking a card to build in each turn. Once a card has been picked, you pass your hand to the next playeryes, you know what choices the next player will have in the next round. This adds a layer of strategy — but without complicating gameplay at all.
(Image Source: BoardGameGeek)
7 Wonders is a beautifully made game which can be enjoyed by 7 players, or 8 if you buy the expansion. It’s a rare gem which is equally fun for 2 players, adding another layer of tactics. You can buy 7 Wonders from Amazon, Walmart or your local board game store. Be sure to take a look at the Cities expansion for 8-player action.
(Image source Antoine Bauza)


A simple but fun bluffing game, Coyote can be played by 6 people in under 10 minutes per round. Everyone has a number on their head; the only number you don’t see is thus your own. You then take turns declaring numbers.
(Image source Amazon and Board Game Bliss)
If the next person suspects that the number you just declared is higher than the sum of the numbers in play, he may call your bluff. The game has a number of special cards like negatives, multipliers, zeroers and so on which adds a bit of depth to it. The game ends with a showdown between the last 2 players which frequently results in lots of laughs.
(Image source Amazon)
You can grab the game from Amazon or search for a Gigamic retailor.

Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica (BSG) is complex compared to most board games you know, but once you play a round or two, it’s really not that difficult. The board game captures the essence of the series well. It’s a cooperative game at heart, but one or two people are not on your side. Who they are is a mystery (until they reveal themselves) and there is always suspicion in the air.
The goal of the game for human players is to escape from Cylons by jumping a set number of times. The goal for Cylons is to defeat humans. Humans can only win one way while Cylons can win by depleting 1 of 3 resources, damaging the ship too much and boarding the ship.
(Image Source: Geek Alerts)
The game is for 3 – 7 players and is best played with at least 4. Various expansions add extra features. I recommend buying the Exodus expansion at least because it adds better Cylon handling to the game. We usually play 2 – 2.5 hr rounds but the occasional 6 hr round has happened, so prepare yourself. You can purchase BSG on Amazon or from your local board game store.


Balderdash has almost the same rules as Dixit – a game featured in our Gifts For Paperphiles article – except it is played with obscure words. The idea is that one person reads a single word from a card, like “onomatopoeia”, then everyone proceeds to write a mock definition for this word. The person who read the original word reads all the definitions aloud, including the correct one.
Everyone votes on which he/she thinks is the correct definition. You get points for voting correctly, or if someone votes on your definition. We’ve had some of the best laughs especially when people write outrageous definitions — which turn out to be the correct ones!
(Image Source: Ocado)
Non-English language speakers are probably better off because they can play the game without having to use a dictionary for foreign words. We have this where I live, it isn’t a dictionary per se, it’s a list of words which have foreign origins, so you are less likely to know what they mean.
You can buy Balderdash from Amazon, Walmart, or you can just use a dictionary and keep score on paper.


Smallworld is like "Risk" with less chance, more tactics. If you have more units, you win, it’s as simple as that. Your aim is to collect the most gold by taking over and controlling areas on the board. Taking over areas is done by using a larger number of people than your opponent has. This takes almost all risk out of the game.
There are 2 features which make Smallworld replay-able. The race you are with grants you special abilities. These abilities come from 2 sources. The race itself has a special ability (eg: Humans gain an extra gold for farmlands they control) and you also receive a special power token (eg: Commando allows you to conquer any area with one less unit).
Special abilities and races are shuffled and paired togetherr. In one game, you may choose Commando Humans, in another you may get Merchant Humans. This changes the way you play, so you can’t use the same tactics over and over.
(Image Source: Tabletop Hell)
The other feature which adds a lot of depth is how you can make races decline. If you’ve spread your forces thin, you can choose to decline your race and choose a new one. This has benefits and drawbacks, choosing the right time to decline could win you the game (each player usually declines 1-3 times).
Smallworld is for 2-5 players. It’s a rare game which is actually pretty good for 2 players, it has a dedicated boards for different player counts. Playing time is about 80 minutes for 4 people and rarely gets boring.
A number of expansions and different versions are available, Smallworld is so popular it even has an iOS app. You can buy Smallworld from Amazon, Walmart or your local board game store. I strongly recommend your board game store for this one as it has a lot of expansions and versions like Smallworld Underground.


Dominion is a straight up card game but doesn’t have the complexity and in-depth game world of its big brothers like Android Netrunner and other deck building games.
You start the game with some coins and some kingdom cards. The goal is to amass as many kingdom cards as possible. To do this you’ll have to buy a bunch of other cards along the way to ensure the efficient path to victory.
Dominion comes with 500 cards out of the box, split into 25 types, only a subset of which you use per game. This gives each round a unique twist, you can’t use the same tactics all the time.
(Image Source: GameHead)
In the same style as 7 Wonders, Dominion can be a quick game, although it does depend on your opponents. A quick round can take as little as 20-25 minutes, making it a good time-filler if you have limited time. You can get Dominion from Amazon, Walmart or your local board game store.


Agricola is a very popular strategy game with a middle-age agriculture feel. You own a house and some land and you’ll need to make decisions on what to grow, which resources to amass and you’ll need to make enough food to feed your ever-growing family.
The gameplay is a shrewd mix of shared resource selection. There is a set amount of stuff up for grabs each turn. Players take turns snatching them. If you don’t plan ahead the resource you need may be taken by others.
Once you get the rules, the game isn’t difficult to play but learning it can take some time. It takes a lot less time to master than Battlestar Galactica, but isn’t nearly as simple as Dixit or Balderdash.
(Image Source: Boardgoats)
Agricola is beautifully detailed with so many wooden pieces and elements, you’ll need a sizeable table to fit everything. As with other well-balanced games, Agricola rewards variety, not the amassing of one particular resource. You’ll need to have a bit of everything in order to win, not an easy task at all. In my experience, Agricola gets more difficult as the number of players increases to a maximum of 5.
Agricola also has an equally beautiful iOS app and numerous expansions and extensions. A separate game called Caverna is also available which is basically the same jut bigger and newer, also a great choice! You can buy Agricola from Amazon, Walmart or your local board game store.


Atlantis is a 2-4 player hand management type strategy game where the goal is to get your peeps off the sinking island of Atlantis.
I love the board of Atlantis because you can set it anyway you’d like. You need to follow a pattern when placing the tiles but you can orient them anyway you like. This allows for curvy, jagged, circular and other imaginative playing layouts.
You start the game with a number of cards you can use to jump your peeps to specific tiles on the game board. Wherever you jump, you pick up the tile behind the destination which counts as points.
(Image Source: The Board Game Family)
You’ll need to get three Atlanteans across the dangerous terrain. If you get an Atlantean onto land, you get a bonus, so it seems that getting one across as fast as possible would be the best course of action. On the other hand that leaves your other guys further behind which could cost you.
What I really like about this game is how it mimics the story with gameplay. As your Atlanteans jump around tiles are taken from behind them, eventually leaving water. As time passes more and more water shows up – this is the island sinking. It’s rare that a games mechanics makes so much sense in its cause and effect, kudos to the developers!
Buy Atlantis from Amazon or your local board game store

Discworld – Ankh-Morpork

My love of Terry Pratchett was the main driver behind the purchase of Discworld and luckily, I wasn’t disappointed. This is a superbly balanced strategy game which isn’t too complicated either. The board and the cards a brilliantly designed, fans of the Discworld series will spend more time picking out little details than actually playing.
The board consists of 12 areas which you can occupy and control. Depending on your character, your aims and actions will differ as well. You may want to simply be present on a number of areas, control a number of areas or work towards other goals.
Gameplay consists of playing cards from your hand. Cards allow you to place your minions, remove other minions, build buildings and other special actions. This simple mechanic gives rise to interesting rounds of play every time.
(Image Source: BoardGameGeek)
What makes Discworld special is the constant attention you have to pay to everyone. If you suspect that an opponent is close to winning you might want to gang up on him. Then again, you can’t go around thwarting other players all the time, you need to advance your own agenda as well.
Up to 4 players can take part, games span 1-2 hours, we usually finish in about 90 minutes. You can buy Discworld from the Discworld Store, Amazon or your local board game store.

The Golden City

The Golden City is a great strategy/adventure game for 3-4 players. You start our as settlers who’ve come to an island with a golden city at the center. The goal is to establish yourself as a trader and get access to the coveted golden city itself.
During the game, you’ll settle on specific areas on the game board which will grant you resources and points. Each round has a sub-goal which – when met – will award the player additional points. To expand, you’ll need to use your auctioning skills to grab the best tiles (for yourself) and use them to settle on specific areas.
(Image Source: Here Be Books & Games)
Eventually you’ll have amassed enough resources to get a key to the city at which point you may establish yourself inside. At the end of the game, the player with the most points (the most powerful trader) wins.
The Golden City is a good choice if you’d like a game where you’re pitted against one another, but not directly. Other players can annoy you by taking good spaced but there is no combat and no head-to-head competition. The variation due to how the game is played provides plenty of fun for a solid replay value. You can buy it from Amazon or your local board game store.


This unassuming little box holds one of the best little puzzle games ever. The rules are dead simple and yet mind bogglingly impossible to play, at the very least you’ll need practice. The name of the game is pattern recognition.
All you need to do is find sets of 3 cards (from 9) where the symbols are either all the same or all different (based on shape, color and shading). It’s difficult to explain why this game can get so infuriating.
Sometimes you will the sets to reveal themselves but nothing happens. Sometimes you just glance at the 9 cards and find one. Practice means you get better but it makes your opponent better as well!
(Image Source: The Board Game Family)
This cheap little deck of cards can be played by any amount of players, a round takes about 15 – 30 minutes depending on how quickly you find sets. Grab the game directly from the author’s website, and check out the iPad app as well. It’s about the same as the real thing.

Ticket To Ride

You may be familiar with this game due to the huge popularity of iOS game. The board game precedes the release of the iPad app by around 8 years, and what a great game it is.The idea is to build railroads from point A to point B. The rules can be learned in under 15 minutes, yet the game poses some strategic challenges which take some gray matter to solve.
According to the author: “The tension comes from being forced to balance greed – adding more cards to your hand, and fear – losing a critical route to a competitor.” A pretty good overview indeed.
(Image Source: Boardgame Reviews)
Due to it’s popularity, ‘Ticket to Ride’ has been published in a number of country/continent specific formats. There are also a number of expansions available.
You can buy ‘Ticket To Ride’ almost anywhere, including Amazon, Walmart and your local board game store. Check out the 10th Anniversary Edition (which contains some expansions) for more bang for your buck .


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